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Talking to Other Organisers


COVID has cancelled all conferences.

Hackathons UK unconference

This is a conference for hackathon organisers of UK hackathons to get together, help each other, network and discuss various topics. No fixed agenda.

Being run out of the MMU Business School on 4th April 2020

HackathonHackers EU

First ran at Nottingham University in 2019, acted as the UKs official watch party for MLHs Hackcon digital.

Very worthwhile to attend if you are a new organiser!


MLHs organiser Hackathon.

Ran primarily in the US, though they previously ran it in London and Berlin.

Unclear if it will return to having events in Europe.


HH Throw a Hackathon

Facebook group for organisers around the world.

HHEU Famiglia

Private group, you'll need to ask an existing Organiser to invite you.

The European focused organiser group, contains the spreadsheet for event dates to avoid clashes.


HHEU Organisers

A chat with most of the same people in the Famiglia. The most active place to get help.

You'll need to ask an existing organiser to invite you.

Last update: January 21, 2021